

Increasingly widespread as a promotional communication tool, to which the great potential of viral sharing are often recognized, videos tell the company mission from a unique perspective.

Studi Web uses the latest technologies to create highly professional videos, designed, curated and edited by professionals through the use of specific programs. The staff guarantees its customers the availability for the realization of videos useful for end users for the dynamic presentation of their activities.

Videos exploiting the 360 technology have a strong impact to give the thrill of a vivid immersion in Virtual Reality, to be explored with extraordinary effects thanks to viewers and cardboards.

The application of the videos within Social Media Marketing seems to be effective, in view of the innovations introduced constantly by social platforms that every day study several ways to support companies for the search of new customers to loyalize.

Altri Servizi

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  • workshop of innovation and experimentation

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  • printing

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  • social media marketing

    Exploiting the power of social media for advertising promotion requires attention and sensitivity. It is essential, in fact, to be constantly up-to-date with the news of the sector, being able to mast... Read More